Kolade's Canons 3: Broadcasting
- Format: Paperback
- Quantity (in stock): 5
At the moment, we only deliver to customers in Ibadan and Abuja. If you will like to have books delivered to you anywhere else in Nigeria, please visit our konga store to make your order.This volume, Kolade's Canons 3, is devoted entirely to Broadcasting, his second career start up. Embedded in these volumes are first-class materials from a first-class mind. They are based on our highly-cherished African values with foundations in universal principles. These volumes are not textbooks rather they are a collection of a refined gehtleman's speeches, but they can provide teachers, students and policy makers and policy executors a lot to think and talk about. Still, Dr Kolade is more than your regular thought leader; he offers more than useful thoughts. He gives valuable insights to practice, as well. Even though the earliest papers in the volumes date back 40 years, they remain relevant because they are principles-based. Dr Kolade was not thinking for his generation alone, but for future generations as well.