Epistles of Anthony Killa: Reflections on Nigeria
- Format: Paperback
- Quantity (in stock): 5
At the moment, we only deliver to customers in Ibadan and Abuja. If you will like to have books delivered to you anywhere else in Nigeria, please visit our konga store to make your order.In this book, Anthony Kila evokes memories of the extant Letters of Paul, the Apostle of Jesus Christ, credited with the authorship of 13 books of the New Testament. This calculated artistic methodology underscores a thinly veiled intention of the writer to awaken the masses of Nigeria to demand the best from their leaders. Where it is clear that the people themselves are complicit in some occurrences that give rise to the disturbing scenarios in the polity, he does not hesitate to address an Epistle to whom it may concern, not minding whose ox is gored.
To any Nigerian or non-Nigerian who seeks to understand the complexities of the Nigerian society and its multi-facet controversies, the ‘Epistles of Anthony Kila,’ provide a good handle to come to terms with the various discourse.