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Audacity on the Bound: A Diplomatic Odyssey

Audacity on the Bound: A Diplomatic Odyssey

  • Format: Paperback
  • Quantity (in stock): 47
₦8,500.00 Ex Tax: ₦8,500.00


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This book is fluid and engaging and gives the reader a ringside seat to the inner sanctum of government. It is an account of an illustrious, international diplomatic career spanning over twenty five years. It is told with candour and insightfulness and written with ease and elegance. The reader is bound to enjoy it and some may even find it attractive enough to call it thrilling because it reads like an enthralling part history, part biography and part thriller.

Ambasssador Olusola Sanu has had the good fortune of serving Nigeria around the globe as Ambassador to Ethiopia, to Belgium leading a group of 43 nations from Africa, Caribbean and the Pacific to ground breaking negotiations with the EEC; as Ambassador to the US and Mexico; Ambassador to China; and finally as Ambassador to Australia and New Zealand. In the United Nations, he served for nine years as member of ACABQ (UN Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions), the most powerful subsidiary organ of the United Nations, and was Chairman of the Fifth Committee which deals with Administrative and Budgetary matters. He was nominated by U Thant, the UN Secretary General, to the Committee of "10 Wise Men" to represent Africa on the reform of the United Nations system.

Audacity on the Bound: A Diplomatic Odyssey is the story of a man who has covered a lot of ground.

The author boldly tackles Ibadan as much as he does Nigeria and places a poignant humanitarian request at the foot of the United Nations. It is a serious account but craftily done as gales of humour rip through every chapter to hold the reader spellbound.

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